Dragon Ball Super : Fusion World : Frieza : Starter Deck 04 (FS04)
The Frieza clan and Frieza's army gathered! FS04 gathers the Frieza clan and Frieza's army around the leader card FS4-01 "Frieza"! Activate 2 battle cards at the end of the turn!...
The Frieza clan and Frieza's army gathered! FS04 gathers the Frieza clan and Frieza's army around the leader card FS4-01 "Frieza"! Activate 2 battle cards at the end of the turn! Protect your leader with loyalty!
The Leader and three types of Super Rare cards also feature a foil design.
Includes a serial code for the digital version! Each booster pack contains one serial code that can be used in the digital version of the game!
The Leader and three types of Super Rare cards also feature a foil design.
Includes a serial code for the digital version! Each booster pack contains one serial code that can be used in the digital version of the game!
• Ready-to-play Deck ×1 (51 cards)
• Energy marker x1
• Play Sheet x1
• Alternative - Design Card Pack (1 card) x1
• Ready-to-play Deck ×1 (51 cards)
• Energy marker x1
• Play Sheet x1
• Alternative - Design Card Pack (1 card) x1
Dragon Ball Super : Fusion World : Frieza : Starter Deck 04 (FS04)