Sealed Bo1 - One Piece Card Game Tournament
2nd Anniversary Event/OP09 PreRelease
Event Cap: 24 Players
Check In : 6:00PM
Event Start 7:00PM
Rounds: 35 min + 5 min Overtime [or] 3 Turns
Sealed Pre-Release
[Rainbow Luffy Leader]
Every player will receive six (6) Booster Packs of the corresponding set + 50 Matte Sleeves. Players will then have 25 minutes to build a 40 Card deck ONLY using the cards from the original six (6) booster packs they received upon entry, unless instructed otherwise
For Official Sealed Format Rules
Tournament Packs and Participation Packs will be distributed before the start of the tournament. The Winner Pack will also be distributed to 1st Place Winner. Tournament packs will also be distributed to top X players based off attendance!
Bandai App:
Please also sign up for this event via the Bandai + App. Tournament play and updates will be done through the app.